Tips For Success When Starting a Beauty Biz

Mar 05, 2023

Starting a beauty business from the ground up is hard af. If you’ve decided to go down this path, you know it not only comes with its fair share of challenges, but the growth is also never linear. There will always be highs and lows along the road of entrepreneurship. This is why it’s so important to surround yourself with a community of people who know just how difficult these business growing pains can really be. The Spray Tan Class and Beauty Business Babe community is one that is full of women who have leaped into the unknown in the pursuit of building something filled with passion. If you’ve been a part of this community for a while, I want to say, “thank you for being here, beauty biz babe.” And if you’re new to this community, I welcome you to soak up as many of our resources as possible in order to make your biz journey one that is full of knowledge and support! Below I have outlined three tips to make your business, not only more successful, but also more enjoyable!

1. Block out the Noise

This first piece of advice takes a lot of willpower, focus and determination! Do NOT take advice from people who are not where you are or where you want to be. There will always be a million opinions being thrown at you about what you should do and whether or not you’re doing something the “right way.” Most of these opinions are just noise from people who have never and will never be where you want to be! However, it’s not lost on me that it can be really difficult to block out all of these opinions, especially when you know they’re coming from a place of love from the people who genuinely want the best for you. BUT, remember that the vision you have is unique to your own heart. There’s a reason that this passion was placed within you. And unless someone has traveled down a similar path as you and has achieved similar goals that you have set for yourself, their opinions will only hold you back from bringing those dreams to fruition!

2. Think Long-term

Mindset is a massive part of your success, friend! Although there are strategies that you can put in place to move the needle forward in your business, if your mindset isn’t on the right track to make that movement happen, it simply won’t happen! Instead of getting stuck in whatever struggles are taking place in the present moment, switch your mindset to be aimed toward the long term vision you have! Getting fixated on the short-term will never allow you to reach into the momentum needed to create the long-term success your heart truly desires. Remember this saying: “short-term pain for long-term gain.” The process of building doesn’t alway feel comfortable, but in the end, these trials and tribulations are what will set you up to reach the vision you have. That’s why It’s so important to keep your mind forward thinking and to make decisions now that will benefit your long term goals, even during the moments when the day-to-day feels challenging. 

3. Stay Positive

If you’re one of those people who finds themselves constantly focusing on the worst case scenario - STOP THAT! Thinking about all of the “what ifs” on what could go wrong will not help you take the steps that are necessary to get you to the next level in your journey. Your thoughts are your reality! If you keep thinking you will fail, guess what? You’re more likely to fail.This is another one of those aspects where our mindset is crucial to our success. Next time you catch yourself letting fear take over and getting wrapped up in everything that might go wrong, pivot your mindset to envision the best case scenario. Ask yourself, “what if everything turns out exactly how I wanted it to?” Picture what that scenario looks like and then take the next step. Imagine if you knew everything was going to work out, would that change the decisions you made for your life and your business? Reworking your mindset to think positively can be hard if you’re not used to it! But, the more you do it, the easier and more automatic it becomes. Having a positive mindset is like growing muscle memory, so work that muscle!

I want you to thrive in this industry and in your business, babe! That’s why we put together tools to help YOU in accomplishing everything you have set out for yourself. As you know, this can be a difficult road to travel, but you don’t have to do it alone. To explore all of the courses, resources and ways to gain support from other beauty biz babes, head over to the Spray Tan Class website!

