Everything You Need To Know About Spray Tan Body Contouring

May 01, 2023

Have you ever heard about spray tan body contouring? Today we are going to talk about what it is, who it’s for and how it can impact your business! Contouring is an AH-mazing way to differentiate yourself in the spray tan world. It’s sought after, it’s not offered everywhere, and anyone and everyone can be contoured no matter what body type they have. Sounds freakin’ cool, right!? If you already currently offer contouring in your beauty biz, good for you, babe! Way to kill it. If you haven’t quite pulled the trigger on this wonderful add-on option, I wanted to share a little bit about how beneficial this technique can be to your sunless biz overall!

Spray Tan Contouring Explained

There’s often a misconception about spray tan contouring that it can only be beneficial for extremely toned clients or athletes. We are here to bust that myth. It’s just NOT true! Contouring is essentially just creating the illusion of shadows on specific areas of the body in order to emphasize (or de-emphasize) certain features. Therefore, no, you will not be spray tanning abs on just anyone. Spray tan contouring works by looking for the natural muscle tone on the body and applying contour shading techniques to those areas in a fashion that emphasizes and sculpts in order to create the appearance of more prominent features. Contouring techniques offer the option to emphasize clavicle bones, create the appearance of larger breasts and a perkier booty! Depending on the client’s body composition, spray tan artists can even use contouring to create a slimming effect when the shadows are applied to areas such as the inner thigh, lower arms and sides. There are different techniques that can be put to use depending on the goals of the client and what would work best for their unique body type.

Types of Spray Tan Contour Techniques

Full Body Contour

We suggest offering full body contouring when working with a client that already has a natural muscle tone. This is the type of technique you would want to use for clients who have an athletic physique! When applying this contour you will focus on sculpting out the muscle tone that is already visible to the eye by applying the contour shade into the muscle definition to deepen its prominence. The full body contouring technique can be used on areas of the body including abdominal muscles, biceps, thighs, back muscles and calves. You may even want to elevate this experience even further by offering contouring on the clavicle bones, chest, booty and face!

Mini Contour

The mini contour technique is the perfect option for clients with body compositions that aren’t as athletic or don’t contain as much visible muscle tone. Mini contours are great for all clients because if we try to create muscle definition that isn’t already visible, we run the risk of producing a result that looks unnatural. When providing a mini contour, you will focus more on adding shadows to create the illusion of a slimming effect. This can be done by shading the sides of the body to cinch in the waist, adding shadows to the inner and outer thigh and under the bottom side of the arms.

Benefits To Business

Now that you know there are different techniques that can be offered to all body types, you also now know that spray tan contouring is the perfect add-on option for every single one of your clients! This means that you have the opportunity to upgrade each appointment and earn an additional $10-$20 in revenue to all of your sales tickets. Think about how much of a difference this would make to your overall bottomline. That’s a massive increase, right!? If you’re looking for a way to upgrade your service menu and client experience with an option that is sure to make all your clients feel even more fabulous after their appointment, contouring is where it’s at!

There’s so many great things to offer your clients when you decide to add contouring into your biz! If you read through this blog and thought to yourself, “HAIL YES!,”  it’s time to head over to our Spray Tan Class Courses to learn more about everything that is offered within our Master’s Certification Course.

